The adventure continues! Now with S-Parameters and pretty 3D drawings
Category: Matlab
RADAR Pt. 2 – A Practical Explanation
A practical example of how pulses are transmitted and received. A bit about modulation, demodulation and avoiding everything that is mildly complicated
My Notes Aboard The Hype Train: A Journey Through A Machine Learning Course
So do you want to hear about my short tour on the Hype Train? Choo choo! Lets learn about machine learning!
Mode Solvers – The Return Of The Ports
In the previous post, I mentioned that there are two more major aspects to discuss in designing ports: Modes Solvers (Eigenmode Solvers, Actually). How to place and design the ports. I’ll start from the first for two reasons: One, is…
Medical Imaging For Dummies Part 1 – Scattering Simpified
This subject I have been actively avoiding to write on. Not only because it’s a lot to write. All you bloggers out there know how tough it is sitting down at the end of the day, after 8-to-fuckall hours on…
De-Embedding 2 Whole Degrees of Freedom
In the last post we discussed de-embedding a simple transmission line, namely a phase shifter and attenuator. Surprisingly, most structure that we might need to de-embed will be far from that, to say the least. To maintain a methodical approach,…
Basic De-Embedding, 1st Order Model
It occurred to me recently that although I named this site RF with care (for reasons I definitely cannot recall any more), I have not really written here anything RF or EM related in any way. So to start it…
Fancy M-Scripting, The Function Expansion Episode
As I promised before, not all of these lessons will result in pretty code. This, however, is the worst I believe. Efficiency wise, though, this is the most beneficial. So let’s follow up on an example from the last lesson!…