Chapter two of this test of will. This time, with singularities!
Category: CAD
Ancient, Overweight, Yet Alive And Kicking
Benchmarking my new(is) P920!
(S)tay True, (S)tay Humble
Every once in a while, I learn that even if I think I knew a subjet to it’s fullest, there is something I missed. In this occasion, it’s scattering parameters, commonly known as S-Params. It’s not a “subject”, per-seh, barely…
How To Make A Cactus – Multi Band Antennas
In the previous post, I discussed the fact that an Antenna should be designed from its stem, namely, its feeding point. I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s easier to design this way, but it’s definitely better. I…
Building Bridges Pt. 3 – Time And Time Again
Yet another exciting episodes of issues simulating stuff in the time domain.
Building Bridges Pt. 2 – The Curse Of The Open Source
The adventure continues! Now with S-Parameters and pretty 3D drawings
Building Bridges Pt. 1 – How Would You Solve This?
Trouble with computational geometry. How would you solve it?
Ports – From 3D to 0D
Disclaimer: This issue is boring. Not only because it has nothing to do with Cyber, AI, machine learning, etc. (nor do most of the things I do and write about). It’s boring because it has to do with only one…
DXF Import In Octave
Nothing fancy, but I programmed a tool to import DXFs into GNU octave. Should be simple enough to convert to MATLAB, if necessary. Mainly I did it in order to integrate some of the work I do in KiCAD to…
QUCS-S: Return Of The OpenSouce!
Another Linux user open wound: For ages I have been stuck without proper circuit simulation in Linux. I don’t define myself a power-user (only as a super user, but only when I run sudo) as I run Ubuntu, but that…