The final chapter is upon us. But will a solution be found? Stay tuned, to find out more. We left off with a seemingly singular solution. Who knew, that the coaxial cable, of all… It should be the simplest one,…
Tag: Open-Source
Time, Harmonics And Everything In Between
Chapter two of this test of will. This time, with singularities!
No (Open) Source To Rely On – Finite Element Adventures, Chapter VI
The first part of my open-source FEM Eigenmode solver adventure. No happy ends, promise!
(S)tay True, (S)tay Humble
Every once in a while, I learn that even if I think I knew a subjet to it’s fullest, there is something I missed. In this occasion, it’s scattering parameters, commonly known as S-Params. It’s not a “subject”, per-seh, barely…
Building Bridges Pt. 3 – Time And Time Again
Yet another exciting episodes of issues simulating stuff in the time domain.
Building Bridges Pt. 2 – The Curse Of The Open Source
The adventure continues! Now with S-Parameters and pretty 3D drawings
Mode Solvers – The Return Of The Ports
In the previous post, I mentioned that there are two more major aspects to discuss in designing ports: Modes Solvers (Eigenmode Solvers, Actually). How to place and design the ports. I’ll start from the first for two reasons: One, is…