Yet another exciting episodes of issues simulating stuff in the time domain.
Building Bridges Pt. 2 – The Curse Of The Open Source
The adventure continues! Now with S-Parameters and pretty 3D drawings
Building Bridges Pt. 1 – How Would You Solve This?
Trouble with computational geometry. How would you solve it?
RADAR Pt. 2 – A Practical Explanation
A practical example of how pulses are transmitted and received. A bit about modulation, demodulation and avoiding everything that is mildly complicated
Some Stuff About RADARs, pt. 1 – Range, Power And Doppler
Just the tip of the iceberg on how RADARs work
My Notes Aboard The Hype Train: A Journey Through A Machine Learning Course
So do you want to hear about my short tour on the Hype Train? Choo choo! Lets learn about machine learning!
Short Excerpt About Open Subjects In De-Embedding
Just a bit about the underlying assumptions of de-embedding schemes.
Mode Solvers – The Return Of The Ports
In the previous post, I mentioned that there are two more major aspects to discuss in designing ports: Modes Solvers (Eigenmode Solvers, Actually). How to place and design the ports. I’ll start from the first for two reasons: One, is…
Ports – From 3D to 0D
Disclaimer: This issue is boring. Not only because it has nothing to do with Cyber, AI, machine learning, etc. (nor do most of the things I do and write about). It’s boring because it has to do with only one…
DXF Import In Octave
Nothing fancy, but I programmed a tool to import DXFs into GNU octave. Should be simple enough to convert to MATLAB, if necessary. Mainly I did it in order to integrate some of the work I do in KiCAD to…