The final chapter is upon us. But will a solution be found? Stay tuned, to find out more. We left off with a seemingly singular solution. Who knew, that the coaxial cable, of all… It should be the simplest one,…
Tag: Engineering
Order, Please. (FEM Adventures Pt. 3)
One step closer to insanity, one step further in finite element computation.
Time, Harmonics And Everything In Between
Chapter two of this test of will. This time, with singularities!
(S)tay True, (S)tay Humble
Every once in a while, I learn that even if I think I knew a subjet to it’s fullest, there is something I missed. In this occasion, it’s scattering parameters, commonly known as S-Params. It’s not a “subject”, per-seh, barely…
How To Make A Cactus – Multi Band Antennas
In the previous post, I discussed the fact that an Antenna should be designed from its stem, namely, its feeding point. I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s easier to design this way, but it’s definitely better. I…
Grounded, Again
There are a lot of weird articles out there. Out of respect, I’m not going to reference anything now, but if you’ve been around a bit, you know what I’m talking about. Specifically, in the field of Antennas, some person…
A Finite Story About Differentials And Integrals
There are quite a few simulation tools available today. Various methodologies, various levels of GUI usability, but there is one thing in common. They are all really expensive. Ranting aside, it is useful to know how the different simulation techniques…
Building Bridges Pt. 3 – Time And Time Again
Yet another exciting episodes of issues simulating stuff in the time domain.
RADAR Pt. 2 – A Practical Explanation
A practical example of how pulses are transmitted and received. A bit about modulation, demodulation and avoiding everything that is mildly complicated
Some Stuff About RADARs, pt. 1 – Range, Power And Doppler
Just the tip of the iceberg on how RADARs work