Yet another exciting episodes of issues simulating stuff in the time domain.
Tag: KiCAD
Building Bridges Pt. 1 – How Would You Solve This?
Trouble with computational geometry. How would you solve it?
De-Embedding 2 Whole Degrees of Freedom
In the last post we discussed de-embedding a simple transmission line, namely a phase shifter and attenuator. Surprisingly, most structure that we might need to de-embed will be far from that, to say the least. To maintain a methodical approach,…
Choosing Your Components (Just) Right
Enough with circuit theory for now, although I haven’t even began to touch the basics on that subject. Only in the area of feedback circuitry there are tons to know and explore about control theory, stability and various applications. These…
Just a bit about amplifiers
Following the previous post, this post will mostly discuss how amplifiers work and just a few words about class-D amplifiers. The software of choice, for the schematic work, was KiCad. This was just because of some arbitrary roam on the…