So a friend of mine brought over a drone he ordered off Ebay. He complained that it doesn’t fly anymore. So I looked around and saw that the battery was all bloated up. Told him that I need to replace…
Final Touches And Laying it All Down
Aside from going to production, there are only some minor changes left to do with the circuit at this point. So sadly, this is the last post about this short project. In this post I will review some minor changes…
Choosing Your Components (Just) Right
Enough with circuit theory for now, although I haven’t even began to touch the basics on that subject. Only in the area of feedback circuitry there are tons to know and explore about control theory, stability and various applications. These…
Just a bit about amplifiers
Following the previous post, this post will mostly discuss how amplifiers work and just a few words about class-D amplifiers. The software of choice, for the schematic work, was KiCad. This was just because of some arbitrary roam on the…
3D Who?
Whoa! Who expected for some spare time around for this one! The story behind this begins with my Dad. He tends to fly a lot. And during these long flights he tends to binge the c***p out of movies, series…
Binary Indexing, For The Simple Minded
While writing almost any algorithm, one rarely doesn’t encounters the most dreadful of tasks, indexing. Although it is comprised of simple multiplications and additions, placing elements in the correct order in a matrix is perplexing even for the most experienced…
Fancy M-Scripting, The Function Expansion Episode
As I promised before, not all of these lessons will result in pretty code. This, however, is the worst I believe. Efficiency wise, though, this is the most beneficial. So let’s follow up on an example from the last lesson!…
Efficient m-script coding – pt. 1
Prettier code is always better. Actually, comprehensible code is always better, that’s why I document like a crazy person with no short term memory, while the latter is partially true. Sadly, some of the lessons to be learned in this…
Variable resistors in QUCS
While designing a 3-band equalizer, using QUCS (view previous post about QUCS here), the need for variable resisors came up. As the current versions of QUCS still don’t support EVALUE components, it was impossible to implement voltage controlled resistors (i.e.…